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viernes, 7 de octubre de 2011

(Libro) Fundamentals Of Wireless Communication / David Tse

      This book is a web of interlocking concepts. The concepts can be structured roughly into three levels:

1. channel characteristics and modeling;
2. communication concepts and techniques;
3. application of these concepts in a system context.

      A wireless communication engineer should have an understanding of the concepts at all three levels as well as the tight interplay between the levels. We emphasize this interplay in the book by interlacing the chapters across these levels rather than presenting the topics sequentially from one level to the next.


1    Introduction
2    The wireless channel
2.1 Physical modeling for wireless channels
2.2 Input /output model of the wireless channel
2.3 Time and frequency coherence
2.4 Statistical channel models
2.5 Bibliographical notes
2.6 Exercises
3    Point-to-point communication: detection, diversity
      and channel uncertainity
3.1 Detection in a Rayleigh fading channel
3.2 Time diversity
3.3 Antenna diversity
3.4 Frequency diversity
3.5 Impact of channel uncertainty
3.6 Bibliographical notes
3.7 Exercises
4    Cellular systems: multiple access and interference management
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Narrowband cellular systems
4.3 Wideband systems: CDMA
4.4 Wideband systems: OFDM
4.5 Bibliographical notes
4.6 Exercises
5    Capacity of wireless channels
5.1 AWGN channel capacity
5.2 Resources of the AWGN cannel
5.3 Linear time-invariant Gaussian channels
5.4 Capacity of fading channels
5.5 Bibliographical notes
5.6 Exercises
6    Multiuser capacity and opportunistic communication
6.1 Uplink AWGN cannel
6.2 Downlink AWGN cannel
6.3 Uplink fading channel
6.4 Downlink fading cannel
6.5 Frequency-selective fading channels
6.6 Multiuser diversity
6.7 Multiuser diversity: system aspects
6.8 Bibliographical notes
6.9 Exercises
7    MIMO I: spatial multiplexing and channel modeling
7.1 Multiplexing capability of deterministic MIMO channels
7.2 Physical modeling of MIMO channels
7.3 Modeling of MIMO fading channels
7.4 Bibliographical notes
7.5 Exercises
8    MIMO II: capacity and multiplexing architectures
8.1 The V-BLAST architecture
8.2 Fast fading MIMO cannel
8.4 Slow fading MIMO channel
8.5 D-BLAST: an outage-optimal architecture
8.6 Bibliographical notes
8.7 Exercises
9    MIMO III: diversity–multiplexing tradeoff and universal
      space-time codes
9.1 Diversity–multiplexing tradeoff
9.2 Universal code design for optimal diversity–multiplexing
9.3 Bibliographical notes
9.4 Exercises
10  MIMO IV: multiuser communication
10.1 Uplink with multiple receive antennas
10.2 MIMO uplink
10.3 Downlink with multiple transmit antennas
10.4 MIMO downlink
10.5 Multiple antennas in cellular networks: a system view
10.6 Bibliographical notes
10.7 Exercises

2 comentarios:

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